Monday, December 20, 2010

I see the moon

The moon tonight was beautiful as it rose. It was white and full against a midnight blue sky. I thought to myself how very lucky I was to see it just like that, just at that moment.

We'll be out watching the lunar eclipse tonight.

How wonderful it is that our world has a sky of celestial delights. How wonderful that Yule is upon us, and we have a longer period of darkness to look up and wonder.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am so very grateful today. Grateful for my family and my friends, for my job and my intelligence, for a four day weekend that I really needed, for my health insurance that may help me feel better, for my ability to write and relate with people...

I think having two days of thankfulness (Mabon and Thanksgiving) is important. We go through life all too often not stopping to count our blessings. I will stop and count mine as often as I can.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Taking time to notice

I stopped in my whirlwind of the day to look up at the sky and say thank you. It was a good thing.

One thing that helps me be closer to the Deity is living in such a beautiful place. I don't live near these particular spots in Colorado, but I get to drive there for work on an annual basis.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What do I believe?

I want to try to write more about things I've read and absorbed and what I've thought about all along.

I believe in a Deity. The God and Goddess, to me, are one. The Deity is within us, and it is without us. I see the Deity in everything. The hue of green grass, fall leaves, and prairie golden grass against the bright blue sky, the moon and stars and the blackness of night.

I believe in wonder. I believe in love. I believe in the divine.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spirits in the Stanley Hotel

A not so spooky tale for Halloween!

I had the delight of visiting Estes Park, CO, a year or so ago and capturing some very interesting images on my camera. My friends and I took the "ghost tour" since the hotel is supposed to be rife with spirits. The guide brought us to a vortex area and said people often captured orbs; nearly every picture I took from that point on had some strange shape in it. My husband, the darling skeptic, said it was just dust, but my camera's never captured images like this before or since, so I like to believe it was the spiritual energy reaching out and making itself known.

My favorite part came in this hallway. The guide said this was where the children stayed with their nannies during the summers, while their rich parents enjoyed each other's society elsewhere in the grand hotel. There is a lot of active energy here; reports of children laughing and running down the halls in the wee hours, candy being taken from rooms, shoes untied in closets. No children died, but the theory is that their energy stayed. The guide said tour participants with close connections to children often would get interesting pictures. I was a preschool teacher for twelve years, and I think I got an interesting picture!

This was the first orb I captured:

One on the old stage:

I like to think I captured glimpses of something special and otherworldly that day. It was great fun, and not scary at all, which I think is an important part of the experience.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cleaning for the New Year

I cleaned my office cubicle this week. It was a joy. Everything is neat, orderly, and shelved; unnecessary paper has been recycled. I walked in the next day and felt light and wonderful.

I need to do this to my house. There is so much detritus and junk I cling to for no reason anymore. It is a daunting task to attack, though, and this is a busy weekend.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall and Changes

Today was a much needed outing with the girls for chips and queso and margaritas. I seriously feel life my aura and physical energy had bullet holes riddled through... I needed to recharge and release.

I went to Spirit Ways and I bought incense, three candles (silver, gold, black), a chunk of amethyst and a moonstone. I want to start some of the visualization practice in the Thea Sabin book tomorrow, and I want to at least light my candles and connect with the Deity (which in my mind is the God and the Goddess as one).

It's difficult. When I slipped off to church, it was easier. I don't want to share my spirituality with those in my home, although I should. But I have time in the morning before everyone gets up. I'll see what I can do.